Tuesday, January 19, 2010

how to beat the dinner-time blues

You know how it goes. After a long day you're trying to get dinner on the table and of course every child in the house is whining or crying or making someone else whine or cry. It's like they know you've run out of patience and they want to prove it. You are counting down until their father gets home. Here is how to beat those dinner-time blues:
go to this website where you can get free downloads of children's stories read by a British lady with a really cool accent. Load them onto the iPod shuffles that your husband got from his work (thank you, OC Tanner!) and give them to your whiny children to listen to while you enjoy the chance to actually hear yourself think. Awesome.

No, Charlie doesn't have an iPod, but he just started solids (he'll be 6 months this week) and I had to document his cute oatmeal-y face!
p.s. you could also download the stories and let them plug the earphones straight into the computer or burn them onto a CD....
p.p.s. yes, I do still love Lydie. She didn't want a picture with her iPod today. Silly girl.
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Richard said...

You are a very resourceful Mom, Amie (-:

Sue said...

resourceful and creative! Amazing, too. What a great idea. Charlie boy looks too big and grown up eating his cereal!

Brittney said...

I don't think anyone was questioning your love for Lydie!! What a fun idea:) You are the most creative Mom!!

Lytles said...

Great idea for the kids!

Karen said...

Does OC Tanner have any CPA openings???!! I don't even have an iPod!!

Katie said...

Oh my! Charlies big eyes kill me! He is so cute, I bet by spring he will be taller than me(:

Maria Sondule said...

Hey, I came across your blog while searching for a friend's, and I want to say its really cool! haha, I'm going to show this post to my mom and see if it'll be of any use o her :)