Tuesday, January 11, 2011

just a few more

The view from Roland's parent's 4th floor apartment building.
(above and below) 
I tried to talk to the kids about what an apartment building is like before we arrived.  I told them that it was a big building with lot's of little houses inside.  You go in the main door and then take the elevator up to Mamy and Papou's house.  Roland and I were rather amused when we got there and entered the main door.  The first thing Lydie did was take off her shoes.  Right there on the tile floor in the lobby.  She was so tired from our long journey that we didn't even bother to explain it to her till the next day.  I just picked up her shoes and carried them to the elevator.  Needless to say it wasn't the last learning experience for the kids!  City life is nothing like our little sheltered life at home.

Yep.  Those are chocolate suckers.  Chocolate Santa suckers to be exact.  The kids were completely delighted with them.  I have to admit feeling a little jealous myself. 
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Lytles said...

Wow what a beautiful view from Roland's parents apartment. I loved how Lydie took off her shoes in the lobby. That was cute!

Richard said...

Great memories, especially for the Kids...beautiful.

Misty said...

Great pictures! I love the chocolate suckers!