Sunday, January 1, 2012

Can't find the words

I've been in trouble lately for not keeping up with the blog.  It's not that I don't want to.  Or even that I can't make the time.  It's just that I've had a hard time figuring out what to say.  The word we have used most often to describe our current-life situation is "weird".  But, that doesn't really explain it at all.  We've been busy sorting out all the many details that come with moving across the world but none of that makes a very interesting blog post.

I suppose the reason we can't find a better word is because there isn't really a way to explain how we are feeling.  We are full of hope and anticipation yet full of sadness at the same time.  One thing I have really appreciated about all of this is that although it is a very emotional process, all those emotions reaffirm to us that we have so many people to love and so many people who love us.  We have been forced to examine our relationships with our friends and family and find out how deep those feelings are.  It's kind of a silver-lining.  We have so many eternal relationships (both friends and family) that we can take with us. Just knowing that gives me strength and comfort.

So, for now, I'll just embrace the emotions (and the daily tears) for what they are.  A reminder of how blessed we are.  If there is one thing I've learned from selling everything we own and getting back to basics, it would be that our relationships with others truly are the only things we can take with us.  What a great blessing!  Family relationships as well as dear friendships can last forever if we let them!  That's what it's all about and that's what this process has taught me!

p.s. maybe I'll get back to normal, happy, picture-laden posts sometime soon! :)


Sue said...

well said...

Karen said...

You are going to have a great adventure. Your children are going to really get to know Roland's family. It will be like an extended mission because of how you live your life. You are a great example of a follower of Christ. With today's technology, the world is much smaller than it used to be. You can keep up with us and we can keep up with you. Believe me when I say that we will want to hear about your adventures. Will there be homesickness? Sure. But when you feel it, remember back to the feeling you had in the Sacrament Meeting when you first made this decision. It will keep you on course. Remember that we all love you no matter where you are.

Brittney said...

Ditto everything that Karen beautifully said! We all love you, and of course are anxious to keep up with your new adventure, as much as you are wanting to share! We will miss seeing you all the time, but I know everyone is so proud of your brave family and happy for you. I want you to know, the reason I have not added to your surprise book gift, is not because I did not want to. It is because everytime I sat down to write a letter, I ended up in tears for many minutes. We are just so thankful for all you and your family are. So, maybe one day, when I finally get it done I will mail it to you. I hope you know how much we love YOU and your family! Thanks for everything!

Jen said...

Ditto Karen & Britt. We love you and your family oh so much. I am in denial about your departure, so that is all I have to day about that. I will be putting off the letter for your book too until I can handle reality. You have been an amazing blessing in my life and the lives of so, so many others. Love you all!

Kmom said...

It is so good to hear some of your feelings. Please know that you can cry to me anytime. You don't need to run off. I love you and will miss you dearly. But we will never lose touch.