Monday, March 19, 2012

Our {little} home sweet home

This is what we see when we step out of our building and look down the street.

Finally!  We have a place to call home.  After 4 months of displacement, it is really nice to be able to have a little space of our own.  We have 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, an itty bitty kitchen, a family/dining room and a "water-closet" (the toilet has it's own room in this country. Bathrooms are just for bathing!).    The bedrooms all have closets (which is uncommon here!) but the funny thing is, the closets have nothing in them.  No shelf, no hanging rod, NOTHING!  The kitchen comes with a sink that has a little cabinet underneath and a draining board.  That's it.  No cabinets, no appliances, nada.  Finding all the appliances and everything so that we could even move in was a little overwhelming. With the appliances, the kitchen is filled to the max.  No room to store anything.  We do have a big coat closet in our entry way so I will be using half of it for my pantry and we are on the look-out for a buffet for the dishes.

Overall it's been very strange to start over.  Not having a couch or even enough chairs around our table at this point could be a little depressing but somehow we're not depressed.  We are very busy figuring things out and we're happy that we're here all together.  There is still a lot of mountain ahead of us but one step at a time we're climbing!  

p.s. I will post some pics of the apartment soon
p.p.s. can I just say that I really miss my dryer?!  Clothes hanging on the line might be charming but it sure isn't practical! :)


Richard said...

The adventure continues (-: It was good to see/talk to you yesterday.

Annie said...

Congrats on the new place Amie and Family! What an adventure! So happy that you have a place to call your own. I am looking forward to the pics.

Andrea said...

Oh yay!!!! A place! I sure miss you. Thank you so much for these posts!

Dave said...

Totally reminds me of my apartments in Italy! Hope you guys are doing well, it sound likes you are enjoying yourself there. I bet the bread you can buy is worth the entire trip! :)

Sue said...

yay! so happy for you. I can't wait to see all of you and your charming new home - very SOON!

love you!

Heather Harper said...

Happy to hear you have your own place! I know the feeling...we've been camping out since we left Lehi. All of our stuff is STILL in storage! We haven't had a dining table or beds or anything of "comfort," yet we're comfortable living this way. And happy it's our OWN and not with family :) Can't wait to see pictures!

Shay said...

Yay, how fun to have your own place! I'm happy for you guys and excited to see some pictures. Clothes drying on the line sounds like a little more work, but you are amazing. I still wonder how you are able to get so much done. You needed to teach me how to do that before you left!

Kmom said...

I am so happy you have a place now. I have been wondering what you've been up to and I figured you must be busy so that is good. I planted some basil in little cups and could hear your instructions in my head as I did it. Missing you!

Adam 'n' Sara said...

So glad to hear you're doing well - I love to hear from you in your posts!

Leslie said...

When do you meet up with Lindsay and your mom? Soon, right? We love reading about your adventures. It kind of seems like you have gone back in time. A simple life can do us all good. When we have big homes and big closets we tend to fill them with things we don't need. You have everything you need. And some delicious bread to feed their tummies. Miss you all!

Gilbert Family said...

I can't wait to see the pictures and I KNOW it will all look amazing because you are an amazing decorator!

So glad you have your own home now!

Karen said...

What an amazing person you are with a continual positive attitude throughout it all. Still setting such an example to me, from across the world!

Jen said...

We miss you but are so happy things are going well there. What an adventure! Your family is such a great example of faith and patience. Love you!