Monday, January 31, 2011

Fabulous, fun, French family!

This is the first in a series of posts about our loved ones across the sea!
This is Roland's Aunt Annick and Uncle Marc. Their son (and Roland's only cousin on his Dad's side) is Dimitri who plays the saxophone and Dimitri also has one son, Nani. I love visiting Annick and Marc's home. Annick has a great sense of style. She loves all things retro and when you walk into her house you feel like you are walking back to the 1960s. Marc is a poet (doesn't he just look like a French poet?) and he is so kind and always aware of others. I like to visit them because he makes sure that I am always included and that I understand everything. Annick always has gifts for the kids (actually, everyone we met had gifts for the kids!) and since she has such great taste and a love for shopping, the gifts are always to die for! Annick is Papou's sister and I think she has their mother's Greek genes. Isn't she pretty?
This one was taken while they were visiting us the day after Christmas and Lydie kept Annick very busy with her dolls. Lydie had no problem communicating and reaching out to everyone!
Nani was the first child that we spent time with while we were there and it was so exciting for us to watch Eric use is French skills with him. He just took off and never once asked for help. Even Emilie had very few problems! I guess all that driving I've been doing has been worth it. :)
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Lytles said...

I'm very impressed that Eric and Emilie were able to communicate with family. All that driving really paid off!

Sue said...

They are such a beautiful family!

Karen said...

I love that family picture!

Kelli Proctor said...

so fun and so fabulous! And Amie! I LOVE you with bangs! Super cute!!!