Sunday, September 18, 2011

I will go, I will do...

Those words have been repeated in our minds so many times over the past three weeks.  We are going to need to find some of Nephi's courage in order to take the next step in our life.  

As many of you know, it has been a couple of years now that we have felt unsettled in our current situation.  We knew something wasn't right and we thought it was all related to Roland's job.  We searched, prayed and searched some more for the answer.  Nothing was working.  Even when he was offered a job at exactly the place he had hoped for, in the department he wanted to be in, we felt sick about it and knew it wasn't our answer.  We carried on knowing that the Lord would reveal it to us in His time.  

A few weeks ago we had been particularly consumed with the subject of our future and what our next step should be.  We spent some time at my Aunt's cabin as a family and made it the focus of our weekend.  Still no answer.  The next day was Sunday and we came to church feeling humble and really searching for some glimmer of inspiration.  The Spirit was strong and we were both touched.  At one point during the meeting I looked up at Roland and in my heart, I heard the words "It's time to go".  I knew immediately what this meant.  It is time for us to move back to France.  We had our answer but it was so different than what we expected!  I felt so peaceful that day and I knew that peace was from the Lord.  Roland and I met in his office after the meeting and cried together as we realized what the next step would involve for our family.

Since that day we have felt peace and comfort from Heavenly Father helping us to know that even though He is asking us to take a step into the darkness, he will continue to shine the light ahead of us and we will find the place where he needs us to be right now.  

There is so much to do and so much to think about.  I will keep my blog updated through the whole process and even more once we get to France in January.  In the meantime, we'll just keep singing..."I will go, I will do the things the Lord commands!..."


Willies said...

WOW! what a big change for you guys, Im so happy for you!

Bob said...

Your faith and commitment to hear and do is truely inspiring to me. The Lepore family have blessed our lives in many ways. Oh how we will miss you all. I want to help you get ready to go in any way possible. With my love, Grandpa.

Sue said...

I am so proud of you for your dedication to the Lord and your willingness to submit to His will... but it is completely breaking my heart!!

Nicole said...

What a fun and scary experience for you guys!!! I hope everything goes well for you.

Shay said...

I think He was saying that it is time to go to Hawaii with the Godfrey's!

Lytles said...

I know your family will have a great experience in France! We will miss your family so much! Good luck with everything!

goddessdivine said...

What the....?!

I'll be so sad to see you guys go; but I know you will do well in France. They will be so lucky to have you guys!

olivia said...

Wait a minute, a step into France is a step into the darkness? I don't think so.


I can (only) imagine the big step this is with your four cuties in tow. Not to mention the BIG step it is away from us + the rest of your fam and friends!

Prayers for you from NC! Love you!

Carrie said...

How very exciting!! Nate is just way to jealous:) We will so have to come visit! We just love your family and are so blessed to have you in our lives. We don't see you enough as it is.....we will really have to be good planners now:)

Scotty D said...

Oh my goodness I am the saddest person in the world right now. I seriously don't know how the PP3 is going to function without you guys. You will be missed ENORMOUSLY buy I'm sure the ward in France that gets you will be absolutely ELATED.

We'll see you at the Paris temple dedication :)