Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Getting it

Today I had one of those moments when you realize that something is getting through to your children, even though it doesn't seem like it. I was in the kitchen making bread and I looked over at Lydie who was propped up on some pillows on the couch "reading" the scriptures. She stayed there for about 10 minutes (which is longer than she will sit when I am reading them to her). Of all the books in the house she could choose from, I have no idea what held her interest on the those picture-less pages, but it was really cute! :)
Lydie qui lit les ecritures...

Monday, August 25, 2008

Kindergarten Kid

Our big boy Eric went to kindergarten today. We are so proud of him and know he's going to have a great year. We love you Eric!
Notre grand garçon Eric est allé a la maternelle pour la premiere fois aujourd'hui. Nous sommessi fiers de lui et savons qu'il passera une tres bonne anneé. Nous t'aimons Eric !

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Big Girl

This evening as my sister and I were giving Eric a day-before-school haircut, Emilie was begging "when do I get a haircut Mommy?" So, we gave in and started with just a trim and ended up giving her a whole new look. I love the bangs, I think she looks so grown-up. Daddy is still not sure if he wants his little girl to look so grown-up, but he'll be okay.
Ce soir, alors que ma soeur et moi donnions une coupe de cheveux a Eric avant la rentrée a l'école, Emilie demandait « quand je me fais couper les cheveux maman ?» Alors, nous suivi sa volonté et avons commencé avec juste les bouts et on fini en lui donnant un nouveau look entier. J'aime vraiment cette coupe, et je pense qu'elle paraît si grande. Papa est toujours pas sûr s'il veut que sa petite fille devienne si grande, si vite, mais ca ira.
p.s. she would be embarrassed if she knew that everyone was looking at her in her undershirt!:)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

In the Wake

I guess it's never too late to teach an old dog new tricks! A couple of weeks ago we went boating with my family and Roland learned how to wakeboard. He LOVED it! And, I thought he looked great out there! If anyone has a boat and a wakeboard that needs some attention, you know who to call.:)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Joining the ranks

Here we go, we are officially switching our family blog to blogger. We received too many complaints about our old blog and decided it was time to move over!
p.s. there is a link to our previous blog at the bottom of the page (if you're curious:))