Sunday, July 4, 2010

All good things...

...must come to an end.  We spent the final days with Mamie and Papou doing plenty of good things!

we went to This is the Place Heritage Park and learned about pioneer life
(followed by a yummy dinner with our great friends the Fetzers)

We oohed and ahhed over the floats in the Lehi parade
(while the kids filled thier pockets with candy!)

We watched Charlie take his very first steps!

We had a final BBQ with my family to celebrate my birthday

They left on Monday the 28th and it was a teary farewell.  The kids had such a great time with them and we will all miss them.  We hope to be able to see them soon!


Lytles said...

I'm glad you had a great time! So many fun activities and memories! I'm glad we got to see them!

Kelli Proctor said...

so fun! You have a great family!