Sunday, February 6, 2011

back to France!

I still have so much to catch up on! Tonight it's more of our Fabulous, Fun, French Family! Unfortunately I could not find my camera in the dark, quiet room where our twin nieces were sleeping on the afternoon of the visit we had from Mamy's side of the family. Thank goodness Aunt Lucille forwarded her pics, but since they were all taken by her we don't have any of Lucille herself!
Flavio is Mamy's only brother. He has one son, William (did you notice that Roland has one cousin on each side?!). Flavio is a truck salesman. I love that he makes family a big priority. On the day he and Lucille and William were supposed to visit us there was a snowstorm. They live a couple hours away and when it snows in France the country just shuts down. He called to tell us that things weren't looking good, but rather than just give up he promised that they would hit the road as soon as they could. They arrived 2 hours later than planned and weren't able to stay very long, but they really wanted to see us and the rest of the family for Christmas. It was great to be with them.

Florent is Mamy's cousin. When they were younger, Florent was partially raised by his Aunt, Mamy's mother. He is like another brother to Mamy. He and his wife, Pascale also made a great effort to come and see us. There were so many people there that day and it was a little chaotic. Our only regret is that we didn't have more time to talk with Pascale and Florent!
While they were there, Emilie and Lydie were showing off their dolls and Aunt Lucille saw them and mentioned that she had some doll clothes at home that her grandmother had made for her when she was a little girl. She had been saving them all these years not knowing who to give them to. When she saw Emilie and Lydie with their dolls she knew they needed to have those clothes! I couldn't believe it. 50-year-old handmade doll clothes! And, the amazing thing is they fit perfectly! These pics are the ones I took to send to her of the dolls in her doll clothes. Lucille is someone who always tries to do good. I had a great time visiting with her!
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