Sunday, October 5, 2008

come listen to a prophet's voice...

As conference weekend comes to a close I just had to share how grateful I am to have had the sweet conference spirit in our home. The kids have been relatively good and attentive (emphasis on relatively), and I have been amazed by how much of it they actually listen to. I know they listen because of their questions ("what's 'joy' mom?", "what does 'trust' mean?", "why do all those ladies have the same dress?" (refering to the choir) and many like them.). We have been reminded of the reality of a living prophet and have learned so much from his words as well as those of the other general authorities.
Alors que le weekend de la conférence se termine je voulais partager le fait que je suis reconnaissante d'avoir eu l'esprit de conférence dans notre maison. Les enfants ont été relativement bons et attentifs (l'accent sur relativement), et en fait, j'ai été stupéfié par combien de temps ils ont passés a écouter. Je sais qu'ils écoutent à cause de leurs questions (« Maman, que veux dire le mot joie ? », « Que veut dire le mot confiance ? », « pourquoi toutes ces dames ont les même robe ? » ( Référant au choeur du tabernacle ) et beaucoup les aiment.). Nous avons été rappelés de la réalité d'un prophète vivant et avons appris tellement de choses grace a ses mots de même que ceux des autres autorités générales.


Croslands said...

Charlie has an Aunt in the Choir and so he is always asking...."Is Aunt Ruth on the black team or the red team?" (referring to whatever color the ladies are wearing.)

Thanks to that fun little song that went around a while ago he knew who Henry B Eyring was when he spoke to us today.

I don't believe my kids were quite as attentive as yours. I'll hold out hope for next time.

Sue said...

That is wonderful. I love that they were listening and understanding. I also love that they want to sing at Conference one day!

Emily said...

I really enjoyed listening to conference as well. Your kids are so sweet. I love the question about all of the ladies wearing the same dress...that's too cute.

Holly said...

I couldn't believe how attentive mine were this year either. I think it's the age. This year, Isaac thoroughly enjoyed the "Conference Packet", but the game that worked the best was the food game. It was suggested in the Friend a year ago, and it totally works. You just get 5 or six bowls with different snacks/foods in them. (ie. one bowl had marshmallows, one had pretzels, one had cheerios, one had chocolate chips, one had raisins, etc.) Each bowl has a word label on it like "Jesus" or "Family" or "Scriptures", and everytime they hear that word, they get to eat one of the snack in the corresponding bowl. They were quiet, they listened to the talks, and they weren't asking me to get them food the whole time. It worked wonders!!! And they were even able to tell me about the talks when they were over. It only worked during the 2nd session both days while Clarke was napping (for obvious reasons), but we will for sure use this again. Your kids are so sweet and well-behaved that Bingo probably did the trick for you. We're the talks all AMAZING?

The Wards said...

It's fun to be creative about conference. I know families who pop popcorn and watch conference, others who play bingo and other conference games, some go for rides in the car. I'm not sure what works best for our family, but every six months I'm ready to try again. I love listening to conference as a family! Sounds like it was wonderful for you guys, too!!!!