Wednesday, September 24, 2008


There is nothing like a child to motivate you to be better. I know I have felt the desire to be better because of my children many times, but none have been quite like the conversation I had with Emilie the other day. I was putting some clothes away and one of my skirts was on the bed. She picked it up and held it in front of her.

Emilie: This is a pretty big skirt mommy
Mommy: I know Emilie.
Emilie: Why is it so big? Is it yours?
Mommy: Yep, it's mine, can I have it now so I can put it away? (and so that you'll stop talking to me about how big it is)

Needless to say, that was some powerful motivation! I will hopefully be taking that "big" skirt to the DI someday in the future. :)


Andrea said...

Oh dear. Lexi has made those statements as well...(lexi at 4) "Mommy, you're looking a little cheeky" (smacks my rear). I still laugh about it because I have no idea why she said that. Still...I did immediately break out the Jane Fonda Step Aerobic workout tape...

Croslands said...

Oh, well I'm glad that I have moved so far away so that Emilie cannot comment on my skirt. :) You know if you'd like I can send you mine and then yours would look like a barbie doll skirt.

I hope you reach your goal.

Karen said...

You gotta love the things that kids say. They are so innocent, and don't mean any harm. I still love the fat comments that Abby gave me after I had Nathan. She would say, "So, the baby is not in your tummy anymore, what is?" and "So, why are you still fat?" Gotta love it.

Steve & Julie said...

Okay, to a child anything that fits an adult is big. I think you shouldn't read into it too much. However, I hope that you will do whatever makes you feel better yourself!

Gilbert Family said...

our kids are the best...the other morning Kyleigh says to me "Hooray, I can tell that you are having a baby now!" I said "ohh really, why is that?" and she says "because your tummy is poking out!" Umm...I am only 8 weeks along...that's not the baby! Brutal gotta love it!

Sue said...

ooops... gotta love those little comments!

The Wards said...

Honesty. Is it always the best policy??? Ha!!!! Well, Thayne always tells me my teeth are yellow (and I have tried correcting him several times:).

The Wards said...

I don't think this was a matter of honesty, rather incorrect perception!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tricia said...

how funny! laughed out loud!

the wards- yeah, your teeth are not yellow