Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Come What May and Love It!

This morning Roland called me on his way to work to let me know about the passing of Elder Joseph B Wirthlin. I am so thankful for his life and example and the many wise and inspired sermons he gave. I hope I will be always able to follow his advice to "come what may and love it!"


Brittney said...

I had not even heard that yet. Thanks for breaking the news to me!

Sue said...

I loved that conference talk... it was my favorite and I have posted "Come what may and love it" on the chalkboard so I can strive to follow that wise counsel. I love Elder Wirthlin.

sidney said...

I am grateful for his example and wise counsel too. What a different people we would be if we could all remember his advice to "come what may and love it".

Andrea said...

I get to teach this Sunday and the message is from Elder Wirthlin. It will surely be different for me now.

What a great man!

My brother heard he had passed away and said, "good for him!" I agree. He is now in heaven with his wife and his good friends Gordon and James (among others).

Jessica said...

He was such a sweet man. I used his talk for Nov VT message. I think it is such good advice, we will miss him.

The Wards said...

We love him too and are so thankful for his beautiful legacy.

Holly said...

I was just telling Cory, "I can't believe how many apostles have passed recently compared to the last 30 years of my life." It seems like they are all reaching old age at once. Our kids will probably witness a similar pattern when the young apostles get older together (E. Benar, Cook, Christofferson) I too will truly miss Elder Wirthlin. He always gave amazing talks, and though he wasn't always known for being the best public speaker of all the apostles, some of his talks have been my favorites over the years.