Thursday, December 18, 2008

It's begining to look a lot like Christmas!

It has been snowing all day today! When it was time to go get Eric from school I decided it might be easier to walk because of the slippery roads and masses of cars at the school. I put the girls in their snow-pants and we headed out! They were soooo excited to be in the snow. When we got home Eric thought it would be nice to do some shoveling to help Daddy. We stayed out for a little while before coming in to eat soup and warm up. Hooray for snowy days!
Il a neigé toute la journée aujourd'hui! Quand il était temps d'aller chercher Eric a l'école, j'ai décidé qu'il serait plus facile de marcher en raison des routes glissantes et des masses des voitures à l'école. J'ai mis les filles dans leurs pantalons de neige et nous nous sommes dirigés vers l’école ! Ils étaient heureux d'être dans la neige. Quand nous sommes arrivés a la maison, Eric a pensé qu'il serait agréable d’enlever la neige près du garage pour aider papa. Nous sommes restés un peu de temps dehors avant de rentrer manger de la soupe et se réchauffer. Hourra pour les jours neigeux !


The Wards said...

We love the snow too!!! Soup sounds great, but Jake already called me and can't wait to fire up the grill for hamburgers... Our ideas of staying in and warming up on a cold winter night are so different. :)

Cute Pictures!!!!!

Sue said...

You are brave to walk out there in this mess... I am sure the kids loved it though:) Did they make a snowman??

Brittney said...

Good work Eric, what a helper. I think it is fun that you walked. It was really not that cold today as long as you were moving!

Misty said...

I really wish walking would have been an optionfor me today. I love the snow, but have decided it can really be a pain with our school/baby situtaion. I love the pictures of Eric so intently working.

Tricia said...

Eric looks like such a grown-up in those pictures. Especially the one where he's standing there. He looks like how Doug and Kyle look when they're "working!"