Monday, January 5, 2009

"Are you kidding?!"

That's what I was thinking last night when we discovered (thanks to Emilie) that Eric had opened every single last package of contacts that Roland had (at least 2 months worth!). He watched Roland open one the other day and put them in and I'm sure he was curious to see how they felt. He even tried putting them in his sister's eyes! Lucky for him, it was almost bedtime and he was sent straight to bed before either one of his parents could completely loose it ($50 worth of contacts is hard to get over)! This morning he was told that we would talk about it tonight...I can tell he's a little nervous. At least we had time to sleep on it so that we won't be so mad when we talk to him, they're just little contacts after all. :)


RL said...

Yes...What an experience!

Brittney said...

I know this is probably the last thing you want to hear.... but to a faithful reader of your blog, THAT IS SO FUNNY! I was laughing out loud! Bummer about the cost, but a once-in-a-lifetime experience, hopefully!!!

Ammon and Tasha said...

the whole time that I was reading that I was thinking you know Izzy would do something like that!!! I am sorry for your loss of contacts, that would be hard to get over but I am way impressed that you just sent him to bed so you could calm down! I need to taking parenting lessons from you!!

Macon Family said...

Oh man, I'm pretty excited for the moments such as these!!!! I wear contacts as well, so I'm sure my time will come!

Karen said...

Oh dear! You are good to calm down and then talk to him later about it. I need to learn a lesson from that. I get too wrapped up in the moment, like when the kids put a hole in our expensive air bed. I was mad for days (still am).

Tricia said...

I have been wondering lately when the Bishop would switch back to glasses again for a while. Maybe sooner rather than later?

That reminds me of the time I came home and Cloe had chewed up an antique drawing of Donald Duck, that my dad's uncle had drawn when he worked for Disney in 1938. It WAS worth $1000. I pieced it back together the best I could and framed it, and it is still alright to look at, but definitely not the same as it was. It took everything I had not to injure that dog on that day!

Sue said...

oh my...

Nicole said...

Since it didn't happen to me, I can laugh about it. It is one of those cute kid moments.
You are much better then I am. I probably would have raised my voice quite a bit (or yelled) if Taylor had done that. You guys are great parents.

The Wards said...

Dang it!!! But yes, that is hilarious! Thank goodness he didn't end up getting it in anyone's eyes! It could have been a lot more money that $50 if one had gotten lost in an eye!!! I've been in his position before and I'm a little nervous for him :) hehehe!!!

Shay said...

That is crazy! Lucky for me the worst Aleah can do right now is make things dirty and she is very good at that one. Good luck tonight, I'll have to go to you for advice in the years to come.

Andrea said...

Oh Amie, that is so funny and sad all at once. I am so glad that the contacts never actually got into the eyes. He must really want to be like his daddy.

Misty said...

Oh dear! What would we all do without our sweet children!

Gilbert Family said...

Why is it that kids are so interested in contacts. My girls BEG me to give them my used contacts when I am getting ready to throw them's so funny!! Sorry about losing them though...they are SO expensive!

Carrie said...

Little stinker! I have to admit I am a little curious about contacts also!