Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Emilie update...

By Tuesday night Emilie was not doing any better and was actually getting worse. She was having a hard time breathing, her glands and even her face and jaw were very swollen. She was lethargic and sleepy and just looked and felt awful. This turn for the worse all took place while we were celebrating Eric's birthday. We ended up cutting the party a little short and taking her to the Urgent Care doctor where she was diagnosed with Mono. Her tonsils are so big they are blocking much of her throat and her fever just won't stay down. She is also really congested. He gave us a prescription and some advice and sent us home. I feel relieved to know why she has been so sick. I'm grateful for modern medicine that allows us to take care of these things before they really become a problem! Unfortunately Mono is contagious (not airborne, but if she touches her mouth or nose and then touches something get the idea) and can last quite a while (although the extreme symptoms should be over sooner she will be tired and not hungry for a least a few more weeks) so she will be stuck with me at home. She is handling it very well so far and I hope her good attitude continues! My only other concern is that the rest of us are vulnerable to it and I am praying that we can keep it from the other kids. Roland gave me a stern lecture about being extra cautious myself because it could be extra dangerous for me. I know there are much worse things that could happen and I'm so glad that this something manageable. I know the Lord is watching over us.


Nicole said...

That is so sad. I'm glad you found out what is wrong and she can be on the road to recovery. I hope she feels better soon.

Ammon and Tasha said...

Poor girl! Please let us know if you need help or anything. I hope she feels better soon!

Holly said...

No way! I can't believe she has Mono. I had no idea a child so young could get it. (it seems like just the teenage kissers get it) :) Hope you don't go crazy at home everyday. Give her a sqeeze from me.

Andrea said...

Oh no!!! Prayers will come your way. And...Happy Birthday Eric!

Sue said...

you are all in our prayers! Sweet little Emilie... she never complains. We love you, Emilie!

Tiffany Walker said...

So sorry Emilie. I hope you get feeling better soon. Amie, I hope you are doing okay. Take extra good care of yourself. It looks like a lot of craft projects and movie watching will be taking place in the near future! I can't believe she has mono. That is just crazy.

Misty said...

Poor girl! I hope she feels better soon!

Devin Ann said...

Poor Emilie...Scary feeling when she wasn't getting better on her meds. That doesn't sound like fun for mom or kids :( Feel better. We love you!

Karen said...

Poor Emilie, and poor mama. Get better soon!

Deb said...

lets hope that we didn't swap germs the other night on our visit because Harrison has strep...yikes, can we all get healthy?! Hey, Kelly found a round trip to Paris for $700 just go and come back when the snow has melted here. Your granola was The Bessst yet!!!