Thursday, February 5, 2009

Popsicle Princess

Emilie seems to improving a tiny bit each day which is encouraging. She still refuses food most of the time (I can get her to eat maybe 2 bites of something a day), but she will eat popsicles. Her poor little nose is completely raw. We're hoping to clear that up with neosporin every night. We are still trying to get rid of the persistent fever too, but it's not anywhere near as high as it was on Monday (103.7).

I know she has only been sick for a few days, but it seems like a lot longer because the days go by so slowly. I have been grateful that I can be here with her. We've had fun coloring, cuddling, watching movies, taking baths, playing with Eric's new legos and anything else that requires little energy. The house is showing signs of neglect, but it's okay. I've really appreciated the opportunity to focus on Emilie. She as been very positive and complained very little and for that I am also grateful!
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Emily said...

Oh, poor little thing. I am so sorry she is sick. I am glad she is improving though. Please let me know if you need anything. Just remember what you told me about a year ago..."this too shall pass".

Sue said...

What a sweetheart she is... and a great little mom you are. She does look better than Tuesday, except for her nose... Keep it up!

Love you, Emilie!

The Wards said...

I haven't been great a checking my blogs lately...

Happy Birthday Eric, we hope you had a special day!!!!!

That is too bad that Emilie has mono. Goes to show what a strong little girl she is. It's no fun to be sick, but she probably just loves having you by her side to cuddle and take care of her. We hope she gets well soon. We will pray for all of you!!

Zandra said...

Glad she is doing ok. I hope she continues to get better. You are such a good mom!

Carrie said...

Poor Emilie! I am so sorry you have to go through this. My kids have been tested for mono through the years but have never been positive. Not fun I am sure! We miss you and will keep you ALL in our prayers! Keep your freezer stocked! There is nothing better then a popsicle to brighten any ones day!

Ammon and Tasha said...

Oh her poor little nose! I hope she gets better soon!

Lytles said...

We hope Emilie feels better soon!

Gilbert Family said...

Popcicles and mommies make everything better :) Glad she is on the upswing!

Karen said...

My house is showing major signs of neglect, and I don't have a sick child. Good to spend time with her, and help her feel good.

lindsay said...

she does look better! sweet little emilie.

Brittney said...

Man! I feel like I have missed so much!! First- Happy LATE Birthday Eric! He is such a sweet guy! Second- I am sorry to hear about Emilie. That is so sad, and it made me frown seeing her face so raw. Please tell me if there is anything that I can do... including a popsicle or slurpee run!!